Thursday 14 March 2013

EBay account SET UP!!

Great news..I made an account on eBay...
But I cant start till next week...Will be posting item ASAP (when I make it) on eBay and my blog!!!!
I'm thinking of making some customized accessories...I'm kinda busy cuz I have to study since I still have some exams left...JUST one more week and I'm free to start my business!! CANT WAIT!!!!!



Hello..Welcome to Cute Little Trinkets!
This is a blog representing my store on eBay..Cute Little Trinkets,Basically its super cheap and cute stuff which I'm selling for super cheap and I'm doing it for
I'll be making stuff like pouches,bags,holders,covers,accessories,hair clips,and other cute things.It'll be customized and unique..and definitely cheap of course!
Right now everything is in progress but I'll be opening the eBay store and starting the blog in a week or so,So subscribe because whenever I post stuff on eBay it'll be posted here as well!


I'm Nikhita,Call me Nikki,I live in India!
I love making crafts and things and my summer vacation is starting soon and so to prevent the usual boredom,I'm starting a business!! (Not for real..But for fun!!)

Sorry about the site..It's rather boring but its under construction..SO bare with me!!!!
It'll be ready in a week or so...!